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 XmStringHasSubstring(3X) -- A compound string function that indicates whether one compound string is contained within another
    XmStringHasSubstring indicates whether or not one compound string is contained within another. Specifies the compound string to be searched Specifies the compound string to be searched for
 XmStringHeight(3X) -- A compound string function that returns the line height of the given compound string
    XmStringHeight returns the height, in pixels, of the sum of all the line heights of the given compound string. Separator components delimit lines. Specifies the font list Specifies the string
 XmStringInitContext(3X) -- A compound string function that allows applications to read out the content segment by segment
    XmStringInitContext maintains a context to allow applications to read out the contents of a compound string segment by segment. This function establishes the context for this read out. This context is...
 XmStringLength(3X) -- A compound string function that obtains the length of a compound string
    XmStringLength obtains the length of a compound string. It returns the number of bytes in s1 including all tags, direction indicators, and separators. If the compound string has an invalid structure, ...
 XmStringLineCount(3X) -- A compound string function that returns the number of separators plus one in the provided compound s...
    XmStringLineCount returns the number of separators plus one in the provided compound string. In effect, it counts the lines of text. Specifies the string.
 XmStringNConcat(3X) -- A compound string function that appends a specified number of bytes to a compound string
    XmStringNConcat appends a specified number of bytes from s2 to the end of s1, including tags, directional indicators, and separators. It then returns the resulting compound string. The original string...
 XmStringNCopy(3X) -- A compound string function that creates a copy of a compound string
    XmStringNCopy creates a copy of s1 that contains a specified number of bytes, including tags, directional indicators, and separators. It then returns the resulting compound string. The original string...
 XmStringPeekNextComponent(3X) -- A compound string function that returns the component type of the next component fetched
    XmStringPeekNextComponent examines the next component that would be fetched by XmStringGetNextComponent and returns the component type. Specifies the string context structure that was allocated by the...
 XmStringSegmentCreate(3X) -- A compound string function that creates a compound string
    XmStringSegmentCreate is a high-level function that assembles a compound string consisting of a font list element tag, a direction component, a text component, and an optional separator component. Spe...
 XmStringSeparatorCreate(3X) -- A compound string function that creates a compound string
    XmStringSeparatorCreate creates a compound string with a single component, a separator.
 XmStringTable(3X) -- Data type for an array of compound strings
    XmStringTable is the data type for an array of compound strings (objects of type XmString).
 XmStringWidth(3X) -- A compound string function that returns the width of the longest sequence of text components in a co...
    XmStringWidth returns the width, in pixels, of the longest sequence of text components in the provided compound string. Separator components are used to delimit sequences of text components. Specifies...
 XmTargetsAreCompatible(3X) -- A function that tests whether the target types match between a drop site and source object
    XmTargetsAreCompatible determines whether the import targets of the destination match any of the export targets of a source. If there is at least one target in common, the function returns True. Speci...
 XmText(3X) -- The Text widget class
    Text provides a single-line and multiline text editor for customizing both user and programmatic interfaces. It can be used for single-line string entry, forms entry with verification procedures, and ...
 XmTextClearSelection(3X) -- A Text function that clears the primary selection
    XmTextClearSelection clears the primary selection in the Text widget. Specifies the Text widget ID. Specifies the server time at which the selection value is desired. This should be the time of the ev...
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