stfe - routines that provide a high-level interface to
basic functions needed to access and add to the symbol
#include <syms.h>
long st_filebegin(
char *filename,
long lang,
long merge,
long glevel ); long st_endallfiles(
void ); long st_fileend(
long idn ); long st_blockbegin(
long iss,
long value,
long sc ); long st_textblock(
void ); long st_blockend(
long size ); long st_procend(
long idn ); long st_procbegin(
long idn ); char *st_str_idn(
long idn ); char *st_sym_idn(
long idn,
long *value,
long *sc,
long *st,
long *index ); long st_abs_ifd_index(
long ifd,
long index ); long st_fglobal_idn(
long idn ); pSYMR st_psym_idn_offset(
long idn,
long offset ); long st_pdadd_idn(
long idn );
The stfe routines provide a high-level interface to the
symbol table based on common needs of the compiler frontends.
Should be called upon encountering each cpp directive
in the front end. It calls st_fileadd() to add symbols
and will find the appropriate open file or start a
new file. It takes a filename, language constant (see symconst.h),
a merge flag (0 or 1), and the -g level constant
(see symconst.h). It returns a dense number pointing to
the file symbol to be used in line number directives.
Requires the dense number from the corresponding st_filebegin()
call for the file in question. It then generates
an end symbol and patches the references so that the index
field of the begin file points to that of one beyond the
end file. The end file points to the begin file. Is
called at the end of execution to close off all files that
have not been ended by previous calls to st_filebegin().
CPP directives might not reflect the return to the original
source file; therefore, this routine can possibly
close many files. Supports both language blocks (for
example, C's left curly brace blocks), beginning of structures,
and unions. If the storage class is scText, it is
the former; if it is scInfo, it is one of the latter. The
iss (index into string space) specifies the name of the
structure/etc, if any.
If the storage class is scText, we must check the
result of st_blockbegin(). It returns a dense number
for outer blocks and a zero for nested blocks.
The nonzero block number should be used in the BGNB
ucode. Users of languages without nested blocks
that provide variable declarations can ignore the
rest of this paragraph. Nested blocks are twostaged:
one stage happens when we detect the language
block and the other stage happens when we
know the block has content. If the block has content
(for example, local variables), the front-end
must call st_textblock() to get a nonzero dense
number for the block's BGNB ucode. If the block has
no content and st_textblock() is not called, the
block's st_blockbegin() and st_blockend() do not
produce block and end symbols.
If the storage class is scInfo, st_blockbegin()
creates a begin block symbol in the symbol table
and returns a dense number referencing it. The
dense number is necessary to build the auxiliary
required to reference the structure/etc. It goes in
the aux after the TIR along with a file index.
This dense number is also noted in a stack of
blocks used by st_blockend().
The st_blockbegin() routine should not be called
for language blocks when the front-end is not producing
debugging symbols. Requires that blocks
occur in a nested fashion. It retrieves the dense
number for the most recently started block and creates
a corresponding end symbol. As in
st_fileend(), both the begin and end symbol index
fields point at the other end's symbol. If the symbol
ends a structure/etc., as determined by the
storage class of the begin symbol, the size parameter
is assigned to the begin symbol's value field.
It is usually the size of the structure or max
value of an enum. We only know it at this point.
The dense number of the end symbol is returned so
that the ucode ENDB can use it. If it is an ignored
text block, the dense number is zero and no ENDB
should be generated.
In general, defined external procedures or functions
appear in the symbols table and the externals
table. The external table definition must occur
first through the use of a st_extadd(). After that
definition, st_procbegin() can be called with a
dense number referring to the external symbol for
that procedure. It checks to be sure we have a
defined procedure (by checking the storage class).
It adds a procedure symbol to the symbol table. The
external's index should point at its auxiliary data
type information (or if debugging is off,
indexNil). This index is copied into the regular
symbol's index field or a copy of its type is generated
(if the external is in a different file than
the regular symbol). Next, we put the index to symbol
in the external's index field. The external's
dense number is used as a block number in ucodes
referencing it and is used to add a procedure when
in the st_pdadd_idn(). Creates an end symbol and
fixes the indices as in st_blockend() and
st_fileend(), except that the end procedure reference
is kept in the begin procedure's aux rather
than in the index field (because the begin
procedure has a type as well as an end reference).
This must be called with the dense number of the
procedure's external symbol as an argument and
returns the dense number of the end symbol to be
used in the END ucode. Returns the string associated
with symbol or external referenced by the
dense number argument. If the symbol was anonymous
(for example, there was no symbol), a (char *), -1
is returned. Returns the same result as
st_str_idn(), except that the rest of the fields of
the symbol specified by the idn are returned in the
arguments. Returns a 1 if the symbol associated
with the specified idn is non-static; otherwise, a
0 is returned. Returns the absolute offset for a
dense number. If the symbol is global, the global's
index is returned. If the symbol occurred in a
file, the sum of all symbols in files occurring
before that file and the symbol's index within the
file is returned. Adds an entry to the procedure
table for the st_proc entry generated by st_procbegin().
This should be called when the front-end
generates code for the procedure in question.
stcu(3), stfd(3)
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