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 SIMPLEQ_REMOVE_HEAD(3) -- implementations of
    These macros define and operate on five types of data structures: singlylinked lists, simple queues, lists, tail queues, and circular queues. All five structures support the following functionality: 1...
 sin(3) -- sine functions
    The sin() function computes the sine of x (measured in radians). The sinf() function is a single precision version of sin(). A large magnitude argument may yield a result with little or no significanc...
 sinf(3) -- sine functions
    The sin() function computes the sine of x (measured in radians). The sinf() function is a single precision version of sin(). A large magnitude argument may yield a result with little or no significanc...
 sinh(3) -- hyperbolic sine functions
    The sinh() function computes the hyperbolic sine of x. The sinhf() function is a single precision version of sinh().
 sinhf(3) -- hyperbolic sine functions
    The sinh() function computes the hyperbolic sine of x. The sinhf() function is a single precision version of sinh().
 skey(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeychallenge(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeychallenge2(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeygetnext(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeylookup(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeyverify(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skeyzero(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skey_authenticate(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skey_get_algorithm(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
 skey_haskey(3) -- S/Key library functions
    These functions implement the S/Key one time password authentication mechanism. The atob8() function converts the 16-byte hex string in to an 8-byte binary array stored in out. The atob8() function re...
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