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 getgrent(3) -- group database operations
    These functions operate on the group database file /etc/group which is described in group(5). Each line of the database is defined by the structure struct group found in the include file : stru...
 getgrgid(3) -- group database operations
    These functions operate on the group database file /etc/group which is described in group(5). Each line of the database is defined by the structure struct group found in the include file : stru...
 getgrgid_r(3) -- group database operations
    These functions operate on the group database file /etc/group which is described in group(5). Each line of the database is defined by the structure struct group found in the include file : stru...
 getgrnam(3) -- group database operations
    These functions operate on the group database file /etc/group which is described in group(5). Each line of the database is defined by the structure struct group found in the include file : stru...
 getgrnam_r(3) -- group database operations
    These functions operate on the group database file /etc/group which is described in group(5). Each line of the database is defined by the structure struct group found in the include file : stru...
 getgrouplist(3) -- calculate group access list
    The getgrouplist() function reads through the group file and calculates the group access list for the user specified in name. The basegid is automatically included in the groups list. Typically this v...
 gethostbyaddr(3) -- get network host entry
    The gethostbyname(), gethostbyname2() and gethostbyaddr() functions each return a pointer to an object with the following structure describing an internet host referenced by name or by address, respec...
 gethostbyname(3) -- get network host entry
    The gethostbyname(), gethostbyname2() and gethostbyaddr() functions each return a pointer to an object with the following structure describing an internet host referenced by name or by address, respec...
 gethostbyname2(3) -- get network host entry
    The gethostbyname(), gethostbyname2() and gethostbyaddr() functions each return a pointer to an object with the following structure describing an internet host referenced by name or by address, respec...
 gethostent(3) -- get network host entry
    The gethostbyname(), gethostbyname2() and gethostbyaddr() functions each return a pointer to an object with the following structure describing an internet host referenced by name or by address, respec...
 gethostid(3) -- get/set unique identifier of current host
    The sethostid() function establishes a 32-bit identifier for the current processor that is intended to be unique among all UNIX systems in existence. This is normally a DARPA Internet address for the ...
 gethostname(3) -- get/set name of current host
    The gethostname() function returns the standard host name for the current processor, as previously set by sethostname(). The parameter namelen specifies the size of the name array. If insufficient spa...
 getifaddrs(3) -- get interface addresses
    The getifaddrs() function stores a reference to a linked list of the network interfaces on the local machine in the memory referenced by ifap. The list consists of ifaddrs structures, as defined in th...
 getloadavg(3) -- get system load averages
    The getloadavg() function returns the number of processes in the system run queue averaged over various periods of time. Up to nelem samples are retrieved and assigned to successive elements of loadav...
 getmaxpartitions(3) -- get the maximum number of partitions allowed per disk
    getmaxpartitions() returns the number of partitions that are allowed per disk on the system.
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