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 ftn/alarm(3) -- execute a subroutine after a specified time
    This routine arranges for subroutine proc to be called after time seconds. If time is ``0'', the alarm is turned off and no routine will be called. The returned value will be the time remaining on the last alarm.
 audio/alCheckEvent(3d) -- Looks for an event in the event queue and retrieves it.
    eventq expects an ALeventQueue structure from which you want to retrieve audio events. src expects an int with the value of the resource that generated or posted the audio event. param expects an int with the value of the parameter for the audio event. event expects an ALevent structure previously initialized by alNewEvent(3dm).
 audio/alCloseEventQueue(3d) -- close an audio event queue
    queue expects the ALeventQueue handle for the audio event queue you want to close. This handle is the returned value of the alOpenEventQueue(3dm) call.
 audio/ALcloseport(3d) -- (obsolete) releases resources of an audio port
    port expects the ALport structure for the audio port you want to deallocate. This structure is the returned value of the ALopenport(3dm) call.
 audio/alClosePort(3d) -- close an audio port
    port expects the ALport structure for the audio port you want to close. This structure is the returned value of the alOpenPort(3dm) call.
 audio/alConnect(3d) -- connect two audio I/O resources
    source is the source resource. dest is the destination resource. props is a parameter/value list of desired properties for the connection (see alGetParams(3dm) for more information on parameter/value lists). nprops is the number of parameter/value pairs in the list props.
 audio/alDeselectEvents(3d) -- Deselect event queue from receiving events from a resource.
    eventq expects an ALeventQueue structure properly initialized by alOpenEventQueue(3dm). resource expects an int with the value of the resource you are interested in unregistering. params is an int pointer with a parameter list of the audio events you wish to unregister. nparams is an int with the total number of parameters of the list params.
 audio/alDiscardFrames(3d) -- discard audio from an audio port
    port is the audio port from which you want to discard samples. This is the returned value of an alOpenPort(3dm) call. framecount expects the number of sample frames that you wish to discard.
 audio/alDisconnect(3d) -- delete a connection between two audio I/O resources
    res expects the resource ID of the connection to be destroyed. This is the return value of a call to alConnect(3dm).
 audio/alFixedToDouble(3d) -- convert between AL fixed-point and
    d expects a double-precision value. f expects a 64-bit fixed-point value (long long).
 audio/alFlushEvents(3d) -- Flush all events in event queue
    eventq expects a valid ALeventQueue initialized by alOpenEventQueue(3dm).
 audio/ALfreeconfig(3d) -- (obsolete) deallocates an audio ALconfig structure
    config expects an ALconfig structure, the returned value of ALnewconfig(3dm) or ALgetconfig(3dm).
 audio/alFreeConfig(3d) -- deallocates an audio ALconfig structure
    config expects an ALconfig structure, the returned value of alNewConfig(3dm) or alGetConfig(3dm).
 audio/alFreeEvent(3d) -- deallocates an audio ALevent structure
    config expects an ALevent structure, the returned value of alNewEvent(3dm)
 audio/ALgetchannels(3d) -- (obsolete) get/set the channel setting in an audio ALconfig structure
    config expects an ALconfig structure, the returned value of ALnewconfig(3dm) or ALgetconfig(3dm). channels expects a long value indicating the number of samples per sampling interval. The currently valid values are: 1, 2, and 4.
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