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 standard/putmsg(2) -- send a message on a stream
    putmsg creates a message from user-specified buffer(s) and sends the message to a STREAMS file. The message may contain either a data part, a control part, or both. The data and control parts to be sent are distinguished by placement in separate buffers, as described below. The semantics of each part is defined by the STREAMS module that receives the message. The function putpmsg does the same thing as putmsg, but provides the user the abi...
 standard/quotactl(2) -- manipulate disk quotas
    The quotactl(2) call manipulates disk quotas for local EFS and XFS filesystems. cmd indicates a command to be applied to the user ID uid. special is a pointer to a null-terminated string containing the pathname of the block special device for the filesystem being manipulated. The block special device must be mounted as an EFS or XFS filesystem (see mount(2)). addr is the address of an optional, command specific data structure which is copied in or out of the system. The interpretation of addr is...
 standard/read(2) -- read from file
    read attempts to read nbyte bytes from the file associated with fildes into the buffer pointed to by buf. If nbyte is zero, read returns zero and has no other results. fildes is a file descriptor obtained from a creat, open, dup, fcntl, pipe, or ioctl system call. On devices capable of seeking, the read starts at a position in the file given by the file pointer associated with fildes...
 standard/readlink(2) -- read the value of a symbolic link
    readlink places the contents of the symbolic link referred to by path in the buffer buf, which has size bufsiz. The contents of the link are not null-terminated when returned. readlink fails and the buffer remains unchanged if: EACCES Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix of path. EACCES Read permission is denied on the file named by path. EFAULT path or buf extends outs...
 standard/recv(2) -- receive a message from a socket
    Recv, recvfrom, and recvmsg are used to receive messages from a socket. The recv call is normally used only on a connected socket (see connect(2)), while recvfrom and recvmsg may be used to receive data on a socket whether it is in a connected state or not. If from is non-zero, the source address of the message is filled in. Fromlen is a value-result parameter, initialized to the size of the buffer associated with from, and modified on return to indicate the actual size of the address stored the...
 standard/rename(2) -- change the name of a file
    rename renames a file. old is a pointer to the pathname of the file or directory to be renamed. new is a pointer to the new pathname of the file or directory. Both old and new must be of the same type (either both files, or both directories) and must reside on the same file system. If new already exists, it is removed. Thus, if new names an existing directory, the directory must not have any entries other than, possibly, ``.'' and ``..''. When renaming directories,...
 standard/rexec(2) -- execute a file on a remote cell
    rexec in all its forms overlays a new process image on an old process and commences execution on a new cell. This system call was reserved to be supported in a future version of IRIX. In IRIX release 6.5, the only valid value for cell is 0 and then each form of rexec is equivalent to the corresponding form of exec. Therefore use of rexec is deprecated as this system call may not be present in future IRIX releases....
 standard/rmdir(2) -- remove a directory
    rmdir removes the directory named by the path name pointed to by path. The directory must not have any entries other than ``.'' and ``..''. If the directory's link count becomes zero and no process has the directory open, the space occupied by the directory is freed and the directory is no longer accessible. If one or more processes have the directory open when the last link is removed, the ``.'' and ``..'' entries, if present, are removed before r...
 standard/satctl(2) -- control the collection of audit data
    saton switches on collection of audit records of the specified event type. satoff switches off collection of audit records of the specified event type. satstate reports whether the audit subsystem is currently collecting or discarding records of the event type specified. To modify or query the audit state for every event type, call saton, satoff, or satstate repeatedly, once for each valid event type....
 standard/satgetid(2) -- get or set audit identity
    satgetid returns the audit identity of the calling process. satsetid sets the audit identify of the calling process. The calling process must have appropriate privilege to successfully call satgetid or satsetid. If _POSIX_CAP is in effect, appropriate privilege includes CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL capability.
 standard/satmp_done(2) -- de-register token-mapping daemon with kernel
    satmp_done de-registers the token-mapping daemon. The calling process must have appropriate privilege. If _POSIX_CAP is in effect, appropriate privilege includes CAP_NETWORK_MGT capability.
 standard/satmp_get_attr_reply(2) -- send SATMP_GET_ATTR_REPLY message to the kernel
    satmp_get_attr_reply sends a SATMP_GET_ATTR_REPLY message to the kernel. fd is a file descriptor that references the token-mapping daemon's socket. buf is the address of a buffer containing the message. size is the size of the message in bytes.
 standard/satmp_get_lrtok_reply(2) -- send SATMP_GET_LTROK_REPLY message to the kernel
    satmp_get_lrtok_reply sends a SATMP_GET_LRTOK_REPLY message to the kernel. fd is a file descriptor that references the token-mapping daemon's socket. buf is the address of a buffer containing the message. size is the size of the message in bytes.
 standard/satmp_init(2) -- register token-mapping daemon with kernel
    satmp_init initializes the kernel interface to the token-mapping daemon. fd is a file descriptor that references a socket, and generation is the initial generation of the token-mapping database. The calling process must have appropriate privilege. If _POSIX_CAP is in effect, appropriate privilege includes CAP_NETWORK_MGT capability.
 standard/satmp_init_reply(2) -- send SATMP_INIT_REPLY message to the kernel
    satmp_init_reply sends a SATMP_INIT_REPLY message to the kernel. fd is a file descriptor that references the token-mapping daemon's socket. addr is the address of the hostid sending the message. flag indicates success or failure. It's valid values are IRQ_FLAG_OK and IRQ_FLAG_FAILED . generation is the generation of the remote token-mapping database.
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