standard/msgop(2) -- message operations
msgsnd sends a message to the queue associated with the message queue identifier specified by msqid. msgp points to a user defined buffer that must contain first a field of type long integer that will specify the type of the message, and then a data portion that will hold the text of the message. The following is an example of members that might be in a user defined buffer. long mtype; /* message type */... |
standard/msync(2) -- synchronize memory with physical storage
The function msync writes all modified copies of pages over the range [addr, addr + len) to their backing storage locations. msync optionally invalidates any copies so that further references to the pages will be obtained by the system from their backing storage locations. The backing storage for a modified MAP_SHARED mapping is the file the page is mapped to; the backing storage for a modified MAP_PRIVATE map... |
standard/munmap(2) -- unmap pages of memory
The function munmap removes the mappings for pages in the range [addr, addr + len). Further references to these pages will result in the delivery of a SIGSEGV signal to the process. If the region being detached via munmap(2) belongs to a shared address space, and I/O is being done to this range by a process belonging to the same shared group, munmap(2) would fail returning EBUSY. The specified virtual addre... |
standard/nanosleep(2) -- high resolution sleep
The nanosleep system call causes the current thread to suspend until either the time interval specified by the rqtp argument has elapsed or a signal is delivered to the calling thread and its action is to invoke a signal-handling function or terminate the process. The suspension time will be rounded to a multiple of the underlying system-provided sleep resolution. For processes that have requested a timeout of less then the base clock tick of 10 milliseconds, this resolution is defined by the va... |
standard/newarraysess(2) -- start a new array session
The newarraysess function creates a new array session and moves the current process from its original array session to the new one. The parents, children and siblings of the current process are not affected by this and remain in their original array sessions. A handle for the new array session will be generated by the system. Normally the new handle is guaranteed to be unique on the current system only, though some systems may be able to assign global array session handles that are unique across... |
standard/nfssvc(2) -- NFS daemons
Nfssvc starts an NFS daemon listening on socket sock. The socket must be AF_INET, and SOCK_DGRAM (protocol UDP/IP). The system call will return only if the process is killed. Async_daemon implements the NFS daemon that handles asynchronous I/O for an NFS client. The system call never returns. |
standard/nice(2) -- change priority of a time-sharing process
nice allows a process in the time-sharing scheduling class to change its priority. The sched_setscheduler and schedctl system calls are more general interfaces to scheduler functions. nice adds the value of incr to the nice value of the calling process. A process's nice value is a non-negative number for which a more positive value results in lower CPU priority. A maximum nice value of 39 and a mi... |
standard/open(2) -- open for reading or writing
path points to a path name naming a file. open opens a file descriptor for the named file and sets the file status flags according to the value of oflag. oflag values are constructed by OR-ing Flags from the following list (only one of the first three flags below may be used): O_RDONLY Open for reading only. O_WRONLY Open for writing only. O_RDWR Open for reading and writing. O_NDELAY or O_NON |
standard/pause(2) -- suspend process until signal
pause suspends the calling process until it receives a signal. The signal must be one that is not currently set to be ignored by the calling process. If the signal causes termination of the calling process, pause does not return. If the signal is caught by the calling process and control is returned from the signal-catching function [see signal(2)], the calling process resumes execution from the point of suspension; with a return value of -1 from <... |
standard/pipe(2) -- create an interprocess channel
pipe creates an I/O mechanism called a pipe and returns two file descriptors, fildes[0] and fildes[1]. IRIX has two distinct versions of pipe: the SVR4 version and the SVR3.2 version. The SVR3.2 version is faster, and is generally preferred unless STREAMS semantics are required for a specific reason. The SVR4 version of pipe returns two STREAMS-based file descriptors which are both opened for reading and writing. The O_NDELAY and ... |
standard/plock(2) -- lock into memory or unlock process, text, or data
plock allows the calling process to lock into memory or unlock its text segment (text lock), its data segment (data lock), or both its text and data segments (process lock). Locked segments are immune to all routine swapping. The calling process must have the super-user privilege to use this call. plock does not lock down memory which has been mapped into the address space of a process via the mmap(2) system call (e.g., IRIX Arenas). These mmaped memory ... |
standard/poll(2) -- input/output multiplexing
The IRIX version of poll provides users with a mechanism for multiplexing input and output over a set of any type of file descriptors, rather than the traditional limitation to only descriptors of STREAMS devices [see select(2)]. Poll identifies those descriptors on which a user can send or receive messages, or on which certain events have occurred. Fds specifies the file descriptors to be examined and the events of interest for each file descriptor. It is a pointer to an array with one element ... |
standard/prctl(2) -- operations on a process
prctl provides information about processes and the ability to control certain of their attributes. The return type ptrdiff_t is used so that prctl can return an integral value that is large enough to return a pointer/address. option specifies one of the following actions: PR_MAXPROCS returns the system imposed limit on the number of processes per user. PR_MAXPPROCS returns the maximum number of processors the calling process can utilize. If the caller is restricted ... |
standard/profil(2) -- execution time profile
profil provides CPU-use statistics by profiling the amount of CPU time expended by a program. profil generates the statistics by creating an execution histogram for a current process. The histogram is defined for a specific region of program code to be profiled, and the identified region is logically broken up into a set of equal size subdivisions, each of which corresponds to a count in the histogram. With each clock tick, the current subdivision is identified and its corresponding histogram co... |
standard/ptrace(2) -- process trace
ptrace allows a parent process to control the execution of a child process. Its primary use is for the implementation of breakpoint debugging [see dbx(1)]. The child process behaves normally until it encounters a signal [see signal(5)], at which time it enters a stopped state and its parent is notified via the wait(2) system call. When the child is in the stopped state, its parent can examine and modify its ``core image'' using pt<... |