CDclose(3dm) CDclose(3dm)
CDclose - closes a CD-ROM device
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dmedia/cdaudio.h>
int CDclose(CDPLAYER* cd)
cd A pointer to the CDPLAYER structure representing the target CD-ROM
If successful, this function returns a non-zero value otherwise zero is
CDclose(3dm) frees the resources associated with cd allocated by
CDopen(3dm). CDclose(3dm) also unlocks the eject button on the CD-ROM
After calling CDclose(3dm), cd should no longer be used.
CDintro(3dm), CDgetstatus(3dm), CDgettrackinfo(3dm), CDeject(3dm),
CDopen(3dm), CDplay(3dm), CDplayabs(3dm), CDplaytrack(3dm),
CDplaytrackabs(3dm), CDreadda(3dm), CDseek(3dm), CDseektrack(3dm),
CDseekblock(3dm), CDstop(3dm), CDtogglepause(3dm)
Roger Chickering, Mark Callow
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