onemap(3G) onemap(3G)
onemap - organizes the color map as one large map
void onemap()
onemap organizes the color map of the currently active framebuffer as a
single map. Because single map mode is the default value for all GL
framebuffers, it can be called in any of the framebuffer drawmodes
framebuffer to single map mode, however, you must call onemap while in
drawmode NORMALDRAW.
The single color map allocated to a framebuffer in onemap mode has as
many entries as are supported by the bitplanes in that framebuffer. The
normal framebuffer has up to 12 bitplanes, and therefore up to 4096 color
map entries. Call getplanes after setting draw mode to the desired
framebuffer to determine the color map size. getgdesc can also be called
at any time to determine the size of the color map of any framebuffer.
onemap does not take effect until gconfig is called. When called,
gconfig executes onemap requests pending for all draw modes, regardless
of the current draw mode.
A framebuffer's color map is used to display pixels only if the
framebuffer is in color map mode (see cmode).
cmode, drawmode, gconfig, getcmmode, getmap, multimap, setmap
This routine is available only in immediate mode.
On Iris Entry, Indy, XL, XS, XS24, XZ, Elan, Extreme, and IRIS-4D
RealityEngine systems multimap is not supported so onemap is always in
effect for color map mode.
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