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lmdef(3G)							     lmdef(3G)

NAME    [Toc]    [Back]

     lmdef - defines or	modifies a material, light source, or lighting model

C SPECIFICATION    [Toc]    [Back]

     void lmdef(deftype, index,	np, props)
     short deftype, index, np;
     float props[];

PARAMETERS    [Toc]    [Back]

     deftype   expects the category in which to	create a new definition, or
	       the category of the definition to be modified.  There are three
	       categories, each	with its own symbolic constants:

	       DEFMATERIAL indicates that a material is	being defined or

	       DEFLIGHT	indicates that a light source is being defined or

	       DEFLMODEL indicates that	a lighting model is being defined or

     index     expects the index into the table	of stored definitions.	There
	       is a unique definitions table for each category of definition
	       created by this routine	(materials, light sources, or lighting
	       models).	 Indexes within	each of	these categories are
	       independent.  In	each category, index 0 is reserved as a	null
	       definition, and cannot be redefined.

     np	       expects the number of symbols and floating point	values in
	       props, including	the termination	symbol LMNULL.	If np is zero,
	       it is ignored.  Operation over network connections is more
	       efficient when np is correctly specified, however.

     props     expects the array of floating point symbols and values that
	       define, or modify the definition	of, the	material, light
	       source, or lighting model named index.  props must contain a
	       sequence	of lighting symbols, each followed by the appropriate
	       number of floating point	values.	 The last symbol must be
	       LMNULL, which is	itself not followed by any values.

     Different symbols are used	to define materials, light sources, and
     lighting models.  The symbols used	when deftype is	DEFMATERIAL are:

	  ALPHA	specifies the transparency of the material.  It	is followed by
	  a single floating point value	in the range 0.0 through 1.0.  This
	  alpha	value is assigned to all RGB triples generated by the lighting
	  model.  Alpha	is ignored by systems that do not support blending,
	  and is always	valid in systems that do, regardless of	whether	alpha
	  bitplanes are	installed in the system.  The default alpha value is

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	  AMBIENT specifies the	ambient	reflectance of the material.  It is
	  followed by three floating point values, typically in	the range 0.0
	  through 1.0, specifying red, green, and blue reflectances.  The
	  default ambient reflectances are 0.2,	0.2, and 0.2.

	  COLORINDEXES specifies the material properties used when lighting in
	  color	map mode.  This	property is ignored while the current
	  framebuffer is in RGB	mode, as are most other	material properties
	  when the current framebuffer is in color map mode.  (Material
	  property SHININESS is	used in	color map mode.)  It is	followed by
	  three	floating point values, assigning the ambient, diffuse, and
	  specular material color indices.  The	default	color indices are 0.0,
	  127.5, and 255.0.

	  DIFFUSE specifies the	diffuse	reflectance of the material.  It is
	  followed by three floating point values, typically in	the range 0.0
	  through 1.0, specifying red, green, and blue diffuse reflectances.
	  The default diffuse reflectances are 0.8, 0.8, and 0.8.

	  EMISSION specifies the color of light	emitted	by the material.  It
	  is followed by three floating	point values, typically	in the range
	  0.0 through 1.0, specifying red, green, and blue emitted light
	  levels.  The default emission	levels are 0.0,	0.0, and 0.0.

	  SHININESS specifies the specular scattering exponent,	or the
	  shininess, of	the material.  It is followed by a single floating
	  point	value in the range 0.0 through 128.0.  Higher values result in
	  smaller, hence more shiny, specular highlights.  The default
	  shininess is 0.0, which effectively disables specular	reflection.

	  SPECULAR specifies the specular reflectance of the material.	It is
	  followed by three floating point values, typically in	the range 0.0
	  through 1.0, specifying red, green, and blue specular	reflectances.
	  The default specular reflectances are	0.0, 0.0, and 0.0.

     The symbols used when deftype is DEFLIGHT are:

	  AMBIENT specifies the	ambient	light associated with the light
	  source.  It is followed by three floating point values, typically in
	  the range 0.0	through	1.0, specifying	red, green, and	blue ambient
	  light	levels.	 The default ambient levels are	0.0, 0.0, and 0.0.

	  LCOLOR specifies the color and intensity of the light	that is
	  emitted from the light source.  It is	followed by three floating
	  point	values,	typically in the range 0.0 through 1.0,	specifying the
	  levels of red, green,	and blue light emitted from the	light source.
	  The default light colors are 1.0, 1.0, and 1.0.

	  POSITION specifies the position of the light source in the scene.
	  It is	followed by four floating point	values,	specifying x, y, z,
	  and w	of the light source position in	object-coordinates.  If	w is
	  specified as 0.0, the	light source is	taken to be infinitely distant

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	  from the origin of the coordinate system.  In	this case x, y,	and z
	  specify the direction	from the origin	to the infinitely distant
	  light	source.	 There is typically a performance penalty associated
	  with light sources that are not infinitely distant.  The default
	  light	source position	is at infinity directly	behind the viewpoint,
	  location (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0).  The location of the light source is
	  transformed by the current ModelView matrix when the source is bound
	  (see lmbind).

	  SPOTDIRECTION	specifies the direction	that a spot light source emits
	  its light.  It is followed by	three floating point values,
	  specifying x,	y, and z direction vectors in object-coordinates.
	  These	vectors	are normalized automatically.  The direction is
	  ignored if the light source is not a spot light.  By default the
	  spot light points down the negative z	axis, direction	(0.0, 0.0, -
	  1.0).	 The direction is transformed by the current ModelView matrix
	  when the light source	is bound (see lmbind).

	  SPOTLIGHT indicates that the light source is to be treated as	a spot
	  light.  (The light source must not be	positioned at infinity.)  It
	  is followed by two floating point values, specifying the exponent
	  and the spread of the	light cone.  exponent controls intensity as a
	  function of angle from the spot light	direction.  Its	range is 0.0
	  through 128.0, where 0.0 results in constant intensity throughout
	  the cone, and	128.0 results in the sharpest dropoff of intensity as
	  angle	from spot direction increases.	spread is the angle in
	  degrees, measured from the spot light	direction, beyond which	the
	  cone is attenuated to	zero intensity.	 Currently only	spread values
	  in the range 0.0 through 90.0, and the special value 180.0, are
	  supported.  By default exponent is 0.0 and spread is 180.0,
	  effectively disabling	spot lighting.

     The symbols used when deftype is DEFLMODEL	are:

	  AMBIENT specifies an additional ambient light	level that is
	  associated with the entire scene, rather than	with a light source.
	  This light is	added to the ambient light associated with each	light
	  source to yield the total ambient light in the scene.	 AMBIENT is
	  followed by three floating point values, typically in	the range 0.0
	  through 1.0, specifying red, green, and blue ambient light levels.
	  The default lighting model ambient light levels are 0.2, 0.2,	and

	  ATTENUATION specifies	the constant and linear	attenuation factors
	  associated with all non-infinite light sources.  It is followed by
	  two floating point values in the range 0.0 through positive
	  infinity.  The first attenuation factor is used to directly reduce
	  the effect of	a light	source on objects in the scene.	 The second
	  factor specifies attenuation that is proportional to the distance of
	  the light source from	the object being lighted.  The default
	  constant and linear attenuations are 1.0 and 0.0, effectively
	  disabling constant and linear	attenuation.

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	  ATTENUATION2 specifies the second-order attenuation factor
	  associated with all non-infinite light sources.  It is followed by a
	  single floating point	value in the range 0.0 through positive
	  infinity.  This factor specifies attenuation that is proportional to
	  the square of	the distance of	the light source from the object being
	  lighted.  The	default	second-order attenuation is 0.0, effectively
	  disabling second-order attenuation.

	  LOCALVIEWER specifies	whether	reflection calculations	are done based
	  on a local or	infinitely distant viewpoint.  It is followed by a
	  single floating point	value, which must be either 0.0	or 1.0.	 The
	  value	0.0 indicates that the viewpoint is to be (0.0,	0.0, infinity)
	  in eye-coordinates, hence infinitely distant from all	objects	in the
	  scene.  The value 1.0	indicates that the viewpoint is	to be
	  (0.0,	0.0, 0.0) in eye-coordinates, hence local.  There is typically
	  a performance	penalty	associated with	a local	viewpoint.  By default
	  the viewpoint	is infinitely distant.

	  TWOSIDE specifies whether lighting calculations are done assuming
	  that only frontfacing	polygons are visible, or are corrected for
	  each polygon based on	whether	it is frontfacing or backfacing.  It
	  is followed by a single floating point value,	which must be either
	  0.0 or 1.0.  The value 0.0 specifies a lighting model	that is
	  correct only for polygons whose visible face is the facet for	which
	  normals have been provided.  The value 1.0 specifies a lighting
	  model	that is	correct	for both frontfacing and backfacing polygons.
	  When TWOSIDE is 1.0, vertex normals are reversed (all	components
	  multiplied by	-1.0) for all vertices of backfacing polygons.	Thus,
	  for two-sided	lighting to operate correctly, normals must be
	  specified for	the facet whose	screen rotation	is counter-clockwise
	  (i.e.	for frontfacing	facets).  If a material	is bound to
	  BACKMATERIAL,	this material is used to light backfacing polygons
	  (see lmbind).	 Otherwise, both frontfacing and backfacing polygons
	  are lighted using MATERIAL.

	  Lighting calculations	for all	primitives other than polygons,	such
	  as points, lines, and	characters, are	unaffected by the TWOSIDE
	  flag.	 By default two-sided lighting is disabled.

DESCRIPTION    [Toc]    [Back]

     lmdef either defines a new	material, light	source,	or lighting model, or
     modifies the definition of	a currently defined material, light source, or
     lighting model.  deftype specifies	whether	a material, light source, or
     lighting model is being defined or	modified.  index is the	name of	the
     material, light source, or	lighting model.	 props is a list of attribute
     tokens, each followed by one or more floating point values, that
     initializes or modifies the definition.  The last attribute token in the
     array must	be LMNULL.

     When lmdef	is first called	with a particular deftype/index	combination,
     the material, light source, or lighting model of name index is created
     with the attributes specified in props, and with default values for all

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     attributes	that are not included in props.	 Subsequent lmdef calls	with a
     deftype/index combination modify only the attributes included in props.
     Prior to the first	lmdef call, deftype/index combinations are undefined,
     and cannot	be bound (see lmbind).	A definition can be reset to all
     default attributes	by passing its deftype and index to lmdef with a null
     attribute list (props contains only LMNULL).  Changes made	to a currently
     bound definition are effective immediately.

     Lighting calculations are done in a numeric space where 0.0 is black (no
     light) and	1.0 is white (the brightest displayable	light).	 Color
     attributes	are specified in this numeric space, although values outside
     the range 0.0 through 1.0 are allowed.  Lighting specified	using lmdef
     occurs only at the	vertices of points, lines, polygons, and at the	origin
     of	text strings.  At each vertex the contributions	of each	light source
     are summed	with the material emitted light	and the	lighting model ambient
     (scaled by	the material ambient reflectance) to yield the vertex color.
     After each	lighting calculation is	completed, the computed	color
     components	are clamped to a maximum value of 1.0, then scaled by 255.0
     prior to interpolation in the framebuffer.

     The contribution of each light source is the sum of:

	  light	source ambient color, scaled by	material ambient reflectance,

	  light	source color, scaled by	material diffuse reflectance and the
	  dot product of the vertex normal and the vertex-to-light source
	  vector, and

	  light	source color, scaled by	material specular reflectance and a
	  function of the angle	between	the vertex-to-viewpoint	vector and the
	  vertex-to-light source vector.

     Material 0, light source 0, and lighting model 0 are null definitions
     that cannot be changed.

     The default material is defined as:

	  ALPHA		 1.0
	  AMBIENT	 0.2, 0.2, 0.2
	  COLORINDEXES	 0.0, 127.5, 255.0
	  DIFFUSE	 0.8, 0.8, 0.8
	  EMISSION  0.0, 0.0, 0.0
	  SPECULAR  0.0, 0.0, 0.0

     The default light source is defined as:

	  AMBIENT	 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
	  LCOLOR	 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
	  POSITION  0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0
	  SPOTDIRECTION	 0.0, 0.0, -1.0

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	  SPOTLIGHT 0.0, 180.0

     The default lighting model	is defined as:

	  AMBIENT	 0.2, 0.2, 0.2
	  ATTENUATION	 1.0, 0.0
	  TWOSIDE	 0.0

SEE ALSO    [Toc]    [Back]

     lmbind, lmcolor, mmode, n,	nmode

NOTES    [Toc]    [Back]

     This routine is available only in immediate mode.

     Lighting requires that the	matrix mode be multi-matrix.  It does not
     operate correctly while mmode is MSINGLE.

     IRIS-4D G,	GT, and	GTX models, and	the Personal Iris, do not support
     light source attributes SPOTLIGHT or SPOTDIRECTION, or lighting model
     attributes	ATTENUATION2 or	TWOSIDE.  Use getgdesc to determine which
     lighting model attributes are supported.

BUGS    [Toc]    [Back]

     The results of lighting calculations are clamped to a maximum value of
     1.0, but not to a minimum value of	0.0.  If only positive color
     attributes	are specified in the active material, light sources, and
     lighting model, the computed color	cannot have negative components.
     However, if negative attributes are specified, care must be taken to not
     produce negative results.

     Many attributes are not used by the current color map lighting model.
     Some may be used in future	releases.

									PPPPaaaaggggeeee 6666
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