sfinfo(1) sfinfo(1)
sfinfo - display soundfile information
sfinfo [ options ... ] soundfiles ...
where options are:
The full option string need not be specified; -s and -r will work.
sfinfo reports information about the soundfile(s) specified. If invoked
with no arguments, it will display help. If invoked like:
sfinfo flute.aif
It will give you info in the format:
Filename: flute.aif
File Format: Audio Interchange File Format (aiff)
Size: 32100 sample frames, 0.73 seconds, 64.6 Kbytes.
Format: 1 channel 16-bit integer (2's complement, big endian) file.
Sampling Rate: 44.100 kHz.
Data begins at offset 402 (192 hex).
If you specify the -short (-s) option, sfinfo reports information in this
ls-like format:
tttt sssss.ss ffff ccc bbb ee filename
0.73s 44100.00 aiff 1ch 16b -- flute.aif
37.27s 22050.00 next 2ch float phone.snd
t is length of soundfile in seconds
s is sampling rate of soundfile in Hertz
f is soundfile format
c is number of channels in file
b is # of bits for integer or mulaw file, or "float" for
floating point file
e is sample encoding, "--" for linear or "mu" for mulaw
(this does not apply to floating point files)
A good way of doing a "soundfile ls" is:
sfinfo -s *
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sfinfo(1) sfinfo(1)
which looks like:
0.73s 44100.00 aiff 1ch 16b -- flute.aif
6.47s 8000.00 aifc 1ch 16b -- gunn.afc
6.47s 8000.00 next 1ch 8b mu gunn.snd
37.27s 22050.00 next 2ch float phone.snd
1.53s 22050.00 next 1ch 16b -- vulc.snd
1.53s 22050.00 wave 1ch 16b -- vulc.wav
This works because sfinfo ignores files which are not soundfiles.
Therefore the above listing only includes files in the supported formats,
even if the directory included other files.
The -reporterror option causes sfinfo to report an error if one of the
files given is not a valid soundfile. This may be desirable if a given
set of files must contain all soundfiles.
Silicon Graphics Inc.; Apple Computer, Inc. for AIFF code.
afIntro(3a) for more about the Audio File library.
sfplay(1), sfconvert(1), sfkeywords(1),
dmconvert(1), dminfo(1), mediaconvert(1)
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