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 dtmanaction(5) -- CDE manual page actions
    The CDE Help Services support the following manual page actions:
 DtMenuButton(5) -- DtMenuButton widget definitions
    The Dt/MenuButton.h header defines the following constant: DtCR_CASCADING The header declares the following as a function: Widget DtCreateMenuButton(Widget parent, String name, ArgList arglist, Cardinal argcount); - 1 - Formatted: January 24, 2005
 DtMmdbBookCase(5) -- dtinfo bookcase structure
    The DtMmdbBookCaseInfo structure contains information about a dtinfo bookcase. The DtMmdbBookCase structure is defined as follows: #include typedef struct _DtMmdbBookCaseInfo { const char* name; unsigned int num_books; } DtMmdbBookCaseInfo; The DtMmdbBookCase members have the following meanings: name A pointer to the name of the infolib that contains the bookcase. num_books The n...
 DtMmdbGraphicInfo(5) -- graphic object structure in dtinfo
    The DtMmdbGraphicInfo structure contains information about a graphic object in dtinfo. The DtMmdbGraphicInfo structure is defined as follows: #include typedef struct _DtMmdbGraphicInfo { unsigned short coding; unsigned short width; unsigned short height; unsigned int llx; unsigned int lly; unsigned int urx; unsigned int ury; char* version; } DtMmdbGraphicInfo; The DtMmdbGraphicIn...
 DtMmdbHandle(5) -- object identifier structure in dtinfo
    The DtMmdbHandle structure contains information about the identifier of an object in dtinfo. The DtMmdbHandle structure is defined as follows: #include typedef struct _DtMmdbObjectId { void* oid_ptr; } DtMmdbHandle; The DtMmdbHandle member is defined as follows: oid_ptr Specifies the identifier of a DtInfo object.
 DtMmdbInfoLibInfo(5) -- dtinfo infolib structure
    The DtMmdbInfoLibInfo structure contains information about a dtinfo information library (infolib). The DtMmdbInfoLibInfo structure is defined as follows: #include typedef struct _DtMmdbInfoLibInfo { const char* path; const char* name; unsigned int num_bookcases; } DtMmdbInfoLibInfo; The DtMmdbInfoLibInfo members have the following meanings: path A pointer to the pathname for the ...
 DtMmdbInfoRequest(5) -- database access request structure in dtinfo
    The DtMmdbInfoRequest structure contains information about a DtInfo database access request. The DtMmdbInfoRequest structure is defined as follows: #include typedef struct _DtMmdbInfoRequest { int bookcase_descriptor; char* locator_ptr; DtMmdbHandle* primary_oid; DtMmdbHandle* secondary_oid; int sequence_num; } DtMmdbInfoRequest; P The DtMmdbInfoRequest members have the following...
 DtMrm(5) -- initializing widgets for URM facilities
    The top-level routine DtMrmIntialize is normally accessible to and used by an application at runtime to access URM facilities. DtMrmIntialize must be called in order to prepare an application to use URM widget fetching facilities for CDE Dt widgets. It is analogous to the MrmInitialize routine for Motif widgets. DtMrmIntialize initializes the internal data structures (creating the mapping from cla...
 DtMsgLog(5) -- message logging definitions
    The Dt/MsgLog.h header defines data types and function prototypes for the Message Logging Service. The Dt/MsgLog.h header provides the following data type declarations: typedef enum { DtMsgLogInformation, DtMsgLogStderr, DtMsgLogDebug, DtMsgLogWarning, DtMsgLogError } DtMsgLogType; typedef void (*DtMsgLogHandler) ( const char *program_name, DtMsgLogType msg_type, const char *format, va_list args )...
 DtPrint(5) -- print definitions
    The Dt/Print.h header defines resource names, resource values, callback reasons, callback structures, and function prototypes for the Print widget class. The Dt/Print.h header defines the following resource names: DtNcancelCallback cancelCallback DtNclosePrintDisplayCallback closePrintDisplayCallback DtNcopies copies DtNdescription description DtNdestroyContextCallback destroyContextCallback DtNfi...
 dtprintinfoaction(5) -- CDE print job actions
    The CDE Print Job Services support the following action for viewing printers and print jobs:
 DtSaver(5) -- screen saver definitions
    The Dt/Saver.h header defines the following as a function: Boolean DtSaverGetWindows(Display *display, Window **window, int *count);
 DtSearch(5) -- Introduces the DtSearch text search and retrieval system
    DtSearch is a general purpose text search and retrieval system that serves as the text search engine for the DtInfo browser in the Common Desktop Environment (CDE). DtSearch utilizes a full text inverted index of natural language words and stems. Both queries and documents have been internationalized for CDE single- and multi-byte languages, with provision for the definition of custom languages. Q...
 DtSession(5) -- session management services definitions
    The Dt/Session.h header defines the following as functions: Boolean DtSessionSavePath(Widget widget, char **save_path, char **save_file); Boolean DtSessionRestorePath(Widget widget, char **restore_path, char *restore_file);
 dtsessionaction(5) -- CDE session management actions
    The CDE Session Management Services support the following session management actions:
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