The DtMmdbDlpGetPrevSectionId function returns the object identifier of the previous section. You can use this function to traverse the TOC hierarchy in a depth-first fashion. Use the DtMmdbFreeHandleList function to release the memory when the object identifier is no longer needed. Table lookup is involved.
The DtMmdbGetBookCaseByIndex function makes the database engine ready to provide access service for a bookcase. It allows you to access all bookcases in an infolib without knowing their names.
The DtMmdbGetBookCaseByLoc function makes the database engine ready to provide access service for a bookcase. It allows you to access a bookcase by using a hypertext link target in the bookcase.
The DtMmdbGetBookCaseByLocs function makes the database engine ready to provide access service for a set of bookcases. It allows you to access multiple bookcases by specifying hypertext link targets that occur within the bookcases. Use the free function to release the array of bookcase descriptors when it is no longer needed.
The DtMmdbGetBookCaseByName function makes the database engine ready to provide access service for a bookcase. It allows you to access a bookcase by supplying its name.
The DtMmdbGraphicGetData function returns the data for a graphic object. Do not use the free function on the returned pointer. Table lookup is involved because the graphic identifier is specified by the locator_ptr field.
The DtMmdbGraphicGetInfo function returns a structure containing the information about a graphic object. Use the DtMmdbFreeGraphicInfo function to release the memory when the structure is no longer needed. Table lookup is involved because the graphic identifier is specified by the locator_ptr field.
The DtMmdbInit function makes the DtInfo database engine ready to provide access service. When the function returns, the database has been initialized.
The DtMmdbLocatorGetSectionLoc function returns the locator of the section that contains the specified component. Do not use the free function on the returned pointer. Table lookup is involved because the component identifier is specified by the locator_ptr field.
The DtMmdbLocatorGetSectionObjectId function returns the object identifier of the specified section. Use the DtMmdbFreeHandle function to release the identifier when it is no longer needed. Table lookup is involved because the section identifier is specified by the locator_ptr field.